Final Celebration Post

Hi everyone! My what a term it has been. It was so nice to meet some of you on Tuesday. Although the crowd was small, you all had some great questions. It was great to be able to actually see my audience and get your thoughts on the posts. Your questions just show me how creative and inquisitive you all are, and I know you’ll do amazing things in the future. I’d also like to say thank you to your teacher Mr. DuPont for being so helpful and being willing to work with me for this class. I hope you all enjoyed my presentation on European currencies and some of the photos from my travels.

I highly encourage all of you to take any opportunities you can to travel. You said that you wanted to visit Canada, Hawaii, Costa Rica, etc… and if you ever get the chance to go then make sure you take it. I hope that I have been able to show you how amazing traveling can be.

In any case, congratulations on finishing another year! You all have very bright futures ahead of you, and perhaps one day we will meet again. If any of you ever have any questions about studying abroad, traveling, or just generally want to chat I encourage you to email me at and I would be happy to help! Good luck with next year, and enjoy your summer!


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