Photo of the Week

Here's my throwback photo to when my friends and I went to a clog factory in Holland. Did you know that clogs were originally designed as work shoes? 

Q & A:
  • The most common question this week was "what is your favorite animal"
    • I don't really have one but I guess I'd say a fox if I had to choose.  They're smart, cute, and have a lot of pretty funny behaviors. Out of the ones that I mentioned in my blog post, I'd have to say the hedgehog.
  •  Miguel asked "what's your favorite book"
    • I loved "The Martian" when I read it. Right now I'm reading Pet Sematary by Stephen King. I love horror books!
  • Alyssa wants to know my least favorite animal
    •  I love all animals, but I'd say the ones that I hate dealing with are ramoras. They're ocean fish that hang out on to the sides of things like sharks or turtles. They're harmless but are super annoying when scuba diving because sometimes they try to latch on to you.

I really need y'all to propose questions for me to ask a local middle schooler otherwise the interview will be super boring. Let me know in the comments what you would like me to ask. Thanks!


  1. Hi, my name is Samantha.
    I like to draw
    I like your picture of the big she it is kinda funny.on avarage how many places do you go and how many people come to england

    1. Mrs. Blanchley PoppyMay 9, 2019 at 10:20 AM

      Hey Samantha. How are you? I really appreciate this comment. I personally like to draw too. There are actually about 55.62 million! I am glad you like the blog.

  2. Hi Im Emma and I am really enjoying the pictures!

  3. Hi this is Emma, how long have you stayed there for?

  4. i like video games and i am the best at


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